The summer is coming to an end, but wait! Before summer break is over we in BAMK decided to have a picnic.

After much anticipation it was finally time for the picnic to happen. After some waiting for people and walking around trying to find each other we managed to claim a spot in the park. Once the base was established the snacks started to pop up and the people started socializing.

Then came the mighty battle of kubb. It was time for the members of BAMK to face each other in a battle they would never forget. The members were split in half and went to their respective sides. It was a long but exciting battle were the different teams did all in their power to win this very important battle. Despite the numerous uwu chants and blasting music one of the teams just couldn’t win so in the end we had a winner team.

After some kubb we continued socializing and eating snacks for a while before some people had to get going. This was the end of the picnic, but only the beginning of something bigger.


Efter flera månader av att inte gå ut fick jag lust att hänga med klubben igen. Vanliga träffar hade i hållits i smyg. En del av oss hade flera idéer på  vad vi skulle kunna göra när föreningen kommer igång officiellt. Den idén som stack ut mest var bland annat Piiku Nikku. En picknick utomhus med fika, kubb och gott umgänge. Bland annat så bakade tre medlemmar kanelbullar. De var goda, inte minst sagt välgjorda, förutom de som var klumpiga och inte hade tillräckligt med kanelfyllning inuti.

Tanken var att det skulle hålla i Rålambshovsparken eftersom det var ganska centralt för alla medlemmar rent geografiskt sett. Själv hade jag inte varit där förut, så det var ganska spännande att uppleva “en vanlig sommar”. 

En av höjdpunkterna var kubb.Tydligen skulle vårt lag ha två super-aimers. Men under lekens gång förstod jag att det var ganska jämnt, för att alla missade minst fyra gånger, fastän vi hade övertaget från första rundan till slutet. På tal om slutet. Det var inte förrän en av våra revisorer i vårt lag, som slog ner motståndarlagets sista kubben. Innan kastpinnen slog till skrek han “Goldo Ekusuperiensu!”. Kan knappt fatta att han träffade just då. Helt otroligt!

Efter det avslutades Pikku Nikku med lite mer socialisering, snacks och en sista photoshoot. De som ville kunde gå vidare till klubben för att chilla, spela smash och få besök av en karaktär med ett mörkt namn. För i övrigt var detta en fantastisk dag!

// Förväntar mig Pikku Nikku 2!

So this was the day of the picnic, I took the train to surfs station and met him there and he then accused me of being a stalker smh smh unbelievable I then changed from BunZaSimp to BunZaSad with my simp role stripped away some days ago. It’s all in the past now, I’m no longer a simp! When we arrived at the station where everyone were supposed to meet some creepy dude appeared, we’ve gained a new party member: Gwen! We walked from the station to the park and did something very illegal which could’ve resulted to death. We crossed the road. We crossed the road where there was no zebra crossing, unbelievable! smh 

We saw a group of weebs under the shade and sat down. I got greeted with a mysterious smoothie which didn’t taste that bad but some fucker decided to ruin it by saying that the aftertaste tasted like taco grease. 

There was much food, I eat much, such nice, such amaze. We talked about very random subjects and played a game which you threw wood to destroy Tha wood I think it was called kubb, well you see my team didn’t win but I was the mvp and that’s everything that matters. We sat back down and the zoomers and Alexa made a massage train relax much. Some members left but some stayed and went to the kansil. We drank vanilla and strawberry milk hoho and played smash. Didn’t manage to win a single game but I have to admit that it was pretty fun. 

End of day I guess